WHATS CRACKA-FUCKIN-LACKIN' YALL did ya miss me betcha did i beeeettt yeeew diiiiid anyway so after a month of keepin yall w8ing we made sum PROGRESS
CHECK HIM OUT YOOO!!!!!! doesnt that kick sum ass???? not 2 blow my own trumpet butt i think hes turning out pretty fuckin sweet so far especially 4 my 1st model EVER
now lets get nitty 'n gritty here yea its been abt a month since i started workin on him it hasnt ACTUALLY taken a months worth of work if im being real..... im a big fat lazy sacka shiet n i procrastinate mad so rlly it was more like a few hrs per week that i sat down n put in sum sweat & tears on this guy BUTT WHUTEVER lemme show yall whut this bad boys got going
lil side-by-side shot of his mesh vs his true colors
1st up get a loada him all smoothed out (shade auto smooth) in rendered view like DAYUM SON im shedding a tear over here im gonna b 100% im mad proud of how hes turning out like dude i MADE THAT!!!! sumthing abt bringing my own character 2 life in this way feels sooooo awesome man this is big 4 me
n now i RLLY want ya 2 feast ur eyes 4 this 1........not did i wrap my noggin arnd the basics of blender modeling over the past few weeks BUTT i even (kinda) (sorta) worked my way arnd ARMATURE RIGGING! BOOYAH BABY peep it
YEAYUHHHHH this mufuka can strike a POSE!!!! getcho cameras out ur not gonna wanna miss this
alr enough jerkin myself raw im just real happy w how its going N IM NOT NEEEARLY FINISHED YET NAW MAN i wanna PERFECT this guy so whut im thinking is i wanna figure out howda work w/ cell shading & also set him up sum realtime outlines of that makes any sense
im thinkin sumthing like this...... ya feel me??? i mean shit this has pretty much bcome my passion project i RLLY wanna make him look as kick ass as possible
n now if ur sumbody who actually took the time n read thru my bullshit from my last post u prolly remember that i only started this model cuz 4 3D PRINTING so i had sumthing of my own 2 print n not just ripping models off websites made by sum1 else n well.........yea plans were changed LMFAOOO I MEAN DONT GET ME WRONG thats STILL the plan 1nce im totally happy w his model + come up w a specific pose i want him in hes gettin' printed BUTT DUDE the process of learning the program had me hooked im gonna b real i RLLY. RLLLLLLY. dig the hell outta 3d modeling i mean shit prolly even more than drawing 2d art SO I JST KEPT LEARNING [n my god dude the hours upon hrs of blender vids ive rotted my brain with is insanity u shld take a peep @ my yt history n all ur gonna find is blender tutorials n MOST OF THEM r by joey carlino if i havent glazed that guy enough holy smokes his tutorials r carrying my newly-founded blender career] i went ahead n taught myself the basics of edit mode modeling got the hang of a lotta the hotkeys n shortcuts took a dip in the world of uv unwrapping n texturing ONLY A DIP n i think the fattest learning curve so far was bone rigging n HOLY. HELL. weight painting...... dude...... duuuude......... duuuuuuuuuuude.......... man i aint even gonna let yall see my weight paint gradients....... i kno sumbody out there who actually knows 1 thing or 2 abt blender wld flame my ass off this site so quick........ i mean shit i kinda get how it works now butt when i 1st started fiddling w that i was sweating bricks gripping the edge of my desk MULTIPLE tears were shed idfk BUTT I GOT THE HANG OF IT PRETTY QUICK the beginning was the most excruciatingly painful part n LIKE ANYTHING ill get better @ it the more i fuck around widdit BUTT ANYWAY THATS WASSUP i srsly do wanna keep this up im REAL HAPPY w how things r going so far w this model & IN GENERAL im totally hyped over learning more abt blender n getting even better @ it like wow dude i cant believe i been missing out on this whole other world til now n im MAD HOOKED im 100% sticking w this
alr now ive ran my mouth dry 1nce again 2 a audience of zero sooo long story short: I. FUCKING. LOVE. 3D MODELING!!!!!!! n if u actually stuck arnd n rotted ur own brain w my brainrot thnx 4 reading smell ya l8r nerds of newgrounds dot com
coulda fooled me, these look amazing!!